After being appointed as Smobble's Creative Lead, I took the initiative to audit our top-of-the-funnel (TOFU), pinpointing bottlenecks and producing strategic solutions within Peng Joon's social media ecosystem. This will give us the visibility to remedy his declining engagement and conversion rates on Instagram in 2023.
Our management heads also mandated the creatives team to extend our existing Instagram rollout schedule to 7 posts a week, one per day.
Foreseeing issues in team process and productivity that go hand-in-hand with our existing problems in hitting our performance goals, it's important to identify…

This helped us identify the gaps in our content production model and how we're distributing these messages to our audience from the top of the funnel, so we can maximize our output efficiently for the revamped 7-day schedule while making sure each post is deliberately designed to deliver value, address pain points, and offer points for conversion.
In terms of composing our social media marketing mix, I was interested in designing a legible and logical pathway that directs the flow of content from Monday to Sunday.
I believe that assigning concrete pillars that correspond to customer needs accordingly is the best way to engage with our organic audience, allowing us to nurture them through a mixture of fun, inspiring, and value-adding content buckets.
As such, I curated a social media funnel that's centered on providing free education—keeping Peng Joon as a top-of-mind authority in the entrepreneurship niche.


Refreshing our internal processes for social media upkeeping was a matter of refining outdated practices.
And that meant eliminating the need to do everything manually—or, at least, cutting the effort it takes to get things rolling in half, especially now that we're rolling out content every day.
Naturally, this entails leveraging automation tools, readymade templates, and governance resources to centralize quality control throughout content production, thereby increasing our productivity and output volume without disrupting the team workflow.
Here are the various resources I rolled out during the process refresh, divided into (3) production phases:
• Social Media Content Governance Model
• Social Media Reel Ideation Sheet
• Social Media Reel Script Template
• ViralFindr to Spot Trending Audios and Reels on Instagram

• Weekly Video Shoot Tracker Sheet

• Social Media Weekly Calendar
• SalesProcess Social Planner
• ManyChat for Comment to DM Automation
• ElevenLabs for AI Voiceovers
• Social Media Critical Numbers

Our existing social media marketing mix functions as a rather disjointed funnel that serves only to promote Peng Joon for the sake of promotion.
It doesn't even feel like a funnel at all. There's no internal logic behind the content we're doing besides delivering value at face value—once someone leaves a like, a comment, or a follow… their user journey just ends there and opportunities fly by every time we don't nurture them to convert.
As such, I focused on fixing the funnel pathway that will guide our organic leads throughout the various facets of Peng Joon as a person, a business owner, and a niche authority by assigning corresponding content pillars, each with its own messaging and strategy needs.
This pathway not only aims to deliver in-depth education but also strategically sequences content buckets to build audience habits, making the user journey from interaction to conversion much smoother.
Here's how I structured our new and improved social media funnel…

Using the abovementioned funnel, I designed a weekly social media schedule to accommodate the new 7-day posting guideline, while addressing the bottlenecks in our top-of-the-funnel user journey.
That's why I decided to focus more on designing our marketing mix around educational content to connect with our entrepreneurship niche on a deeper level, showing them how Peng does business, and teaching them the ropes by spotlighting marketing trends, easy-to-follow strategies, and inspiring stories to boot—all via short-form.
Meanwhile, our viral content is designed to increase our organic reach and carry them over to our educational initiatives.
Lastly, we give out freebie content as an ascension path to SalesProcess—allowing our leads to convert by exchanging their contact information for a free bonus resource.
I created templates for (2) separate scenarios: if there's an active campaign we're running or not.

From a big-picture perspective, we can already surmise that our declining engagement and conversion rates are a result of our disjointed social media funnel.
But that doesn't mean we're expecting our performance to ramp up immediately after our processes and pathways have been refreshed.
Good performance is measured by consistency and consistency entails continuously iterating our funnel based on current data.
That means getting into the nitty gritty tactics of rolling out short-form content: how it's being researched, written, shot, edited, and all the creative ways we can juice up content and make it resonate.
This is why I proposed to host a monthly alignment meeting with the management to discuss KPIs, recommendations for refinement, and fresh content ideas and how to execute them from a strategic to tactical level.
Here are some of the ways we revamped our content, and consequently, performed (much) better.